Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday morning.

Note to self.  Make sure the POT in in place BEFORE activating the coffee maker. Yup.  I had coffee and grounds all over the place.  Never make a pot of coffee until you have a cup, I suppose.  I hope this does not portend the type of day I am going to have.  I fell back to sleep after the alarm went off, something I never do.  I must be tired.  I have an event this evening and I wonder if I should cancel and just come home and get some rest. I will see.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  It's been a long and busy week here at Casa Myers and maybe, just MAYBE I will have some down time to rest on Sunday.  I think I will plan on it.

I ordered a book, written by a friend.  It's called "Dear Midol"  by Kevin Sutton about the challenges of being the only man in a six woman household.  Kevin is one of the most genuinely funny people I know.  I am looking forward to reading this book.  I need a good laugh.  If it's a funny as I think it's going to be, I will be posting complete reviews all over the place. It may be a "vanity press" but it's available on Amazon.

Looking forward to getting together with friends this weekend for a much promised dinner of  Toad-in -the Hole.  I believe at least one family member was disappointed that I will NOT be using real toad. Real toad is had to come by in the Fall  JUST KIDDING PEOPLE-   it's a sausage dish.  I love to cook and find it relaxing to get in the kitchen and chop things. 

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