Friday, September 6, 2013

Divorce and other overwhelming questions

DISCLAIMER  DON'T PANIC!!!!!  Chris and I are still happily married.  I love this man to bits.   No one else would put up with my crud the way he does.  It's just that I read a post from someone I know; celebrating her long marriage and the first statement she made was "Divorce does not exist"  or something like that.  Well, that MAY be the pact she made with her husband, to work out all the troubles and I am happy that they are happy ( they are two of the NICEST people you could ever know) but sometimes troubles are insurmountable.  Sometimes, two people who once loved each other grow in such opposite directions that staying together is a misery.  Sometimes there is cheating, a break in the trust that all the talk in the world cannot repair.  Sometimes there is violence.  No one should live in fear of being attacked by someone they cared about  in their own home.  I don't think that your first disagreement should result in you throwing in the towel, it's just sometimes you have no other choice.  I for one am GLAD I chose that road, as it led me to this place of happiness.  Marriage is like an ocean, there is an ebb and flow and the tides roll back and forth.

Work imponderables...

Why was the head of the foundation lugging a huge pool toy that looked like a giant Cecil the seasick seaserpent? He was headed toward the City Librarian's Office....

WHY would you carve your NAME on a toilet seat?  In a PUBLIC bathroom?  I had TWO request to replace toilet seats recently.  Seriously?  I think tagging is stupid, but putting your name for other people to place their butts on is the HEIGHT of stupidity.

Sometimes, I just have to shake my head.

We are going to see Hamlet this evening.  The FABULOUS Women's Shakespeare Company of Los Angeles is presenting the classic tale of murder and one very depressed Prince ( ok, it's more than that, but...)  I am looking forward to it.  I have read Hamlet many times, but never actually seen it performed.

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