Thursday, September 19, 2013

C'mon Coffee do your job!

Up late last night, as we welcomed our friend Jenn who will be staying with us a bit, trying out Los Angeles to see if she likes it here.  Went out to Long Beach airport to pick her up.  I like Long Beach Airport.  It has the feel of an old fashioned airport with a modern take.  While we waited we went into a little shop that advertised "Gourmet Coffee"  yeah.  Folgers.  They didn't have anything like the specialty coffees I am used to.  One guy tried to get ICED COFFEE.  Nope.  All they had was coffee.  HOT and in a cup was how it was.  The  counter guy didn't offer any special creams, just half and half.  Ah well.  It was coffee and I needed some last night.  I am on my second cup this morning.  I drink two cups every morning and that usually does the trick; but I am tired and hope to gain some kind of jolt from the caffeine.  Gonna be a long day and an early night.  I am super busy at work this week; I have two projects I am trying to finish and if another fire alarm goes down I am going to lose my mind ( what there is left of it anyway).

I just realized I didn't post this yesterday, so this is a TWO day post.   We went to the Foothill Blvd food-trucks last night.  We are Johnny-come-lately on the event and it seems to be winding down.  There were only about half the trucks there used to be.  Nothing thrilled us and we went to one of the new brick-and mortar places we have gone to before.  Pena's actually started with the  Food Trucks and got a place up there.  They were not hurting for business and the food was pretty good.   We laugh about the lack of good food options up her, you have fast food or Mexican. There is a good Italian deli, but they are just take out; and I make Italian style food mostly ( right now- yes at 7 am) I am making sauce and meatballs in the crock pot.  Gonna be an BUSY evening and I need to make SOMETHING for everyone to eat.

Still needing GALLONS of coffee or more sleep!

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