Friday, September 27, 2013

Just a bad day.

I try to remind myself from the lyrics of a Berkely Hart Song the "it's just a bad day to have a bad day, any other day would have been ok, nothing you can do and there's nothing you can say.  It was just a bad day to have a bad day."

Yesterday, I had a telephone "encounter" with a supervisor from another department that threw me into the worst anxiety attack I have ever had.  I stopped breathing, My chest felt like my heart wasn't working either, I really thought I would need paramedics.  This "man" and I use the term loosely, as a person who bullies and threatens to get his way is not a MAN in my book, has done this before.  No more!  I am asking to have NO telephone contact whatsoever with him.  Should I need to contact him, it will be via email or I will ask someone else to speak with him. He is a bully and I don't need to have someone speak to me in such a way as to cause me medical distress.  I am a fairly strong person.  Hell, when I was nineteen, someone broke into my home, loaded a shotgun in front of me and put it to the back of my head and I remained calm.  I don't need work to be a battleground.  Luckily for me, I work with some of the most wonderful people in the world, and they came running to help me.  I appreciate my LAPL family every day, but yesterday really showed me that I am working in the right place.  My co-workers could not be more kind.

I am glad it's Friday.  I am looking forward to the weekend, to a movie night with friends.  I am planning on making my homemade pizza. There is something about working with dough that is soothing.  As Fall approaches and I can get back in my kitchen and use the oven I plan on trying my hand at artisan breads and my Dad's pretzels.  Cooking and baking "grounds' me and I need to feel like myself again.

I start Tai Chi classes next week!  I am looking forward to seeing how I feel afterward.

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