Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The reason I don't watch the news

Happy Monday-Tuesday.  It's TUESDAY but it's going to behave like a Monday.  Ugh.

So yesterday, I was home early enough to watch the local evening news, which comes on at 6 and I am never home and ready to watch it.  I could only stand a small bit of it.  The "news" was more like reading the National Enquirer than I remember it being.  The anchorwoman stammered and  "ummed" and Uhed" her way through the script. The lead story was something about the actors who were going to star in "50 shades of Gray"  They glossed over the Syrian conflict and buried the story about Diana Nyad's amazing swim.  Did they MENTION it was Labor Day?  They had a ten-second shot of a rather dismal looking parade that took place in the Harbor area, that's about it. Oh yeah.  Unions=BAD!  I will stick to finding different news sources on the Internet, I suppose, but even those must be view with a jaundiced eye.  I remember watching Walter Cronkite.  He was so  certain in his delivery.  Calm and reassuring, even when delivering bad news.  You never got the sense he was spinning it, although I suppose he was.  Channel 4 News used to be better too.

I see Time Warner settled with CBS.  I guess that means I will be getting a notice of increase.  You can't imagine that they settled without additional fees?  The bummer about living up here is that there is almost NO TV reception without cable.  I have Time Warner for everything and "bundling is supposed to be cheaper.  I will probably take a look and see if it really is!  It WAS when I set it up, but now?  I need to look into that.  I live in an apartment and can't get Dish.  I like having Television, but I suppose I could live without it.

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