Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Seventh Day

Do you remember the Sunday night radio program- I think it was on KMET- called "The Seventh Day"?  They would play a full album.  I don't listen to the radio much up here, we don't get good reception and in my car, I listen to books on tape.  I used to love "The Seventh Day" and the DJs in the 70's and 80's who had music knowledge, not just people who mistake crash behavior for humor.  There IS a station I listen to sometimes 100.3, the Sound.  They have been hiring the older DJs and just did a KMET night.  It's nice to hear Uncle Joe Benson in the morning, although the morning guy they had was pretty good too.  I am thankful I was exposed to good music as a child (you thought I was going to forget to mention what I was thankful for, didn't you?)  My Dad was a Big Band and Dixieland fan.  I was a child when the Beatles hit and their music was my soundtrack.  I was more a Beatles than a Stones fan.  The harmony and sweetness spoke to me more than the grit of the Stones, but I do like the Stones.  My go-to music has always been the "California sound" the singer-songwriters like James Taylor, Jackson Browne and of course, America.  This was the music of my teen years, that brings me back to a happier and sometimes a sadder time in my life.  I often wonder if I love the songs for the memories they bring with them, or if the memories are clearer, wrapped in the songs?

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