Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary- MUSHY alert!

I am truly thankful that back in September of 2007, I decided that staying home and brooding was not for me; that I was going to get out there and have FUN!  I went to a bar called Studio Suite in Studio City to see a band called "Evita Freaks"  I liked the singer's voice.  They had contacted me on My Space and  I  thought it would be fun to see them live.  Arriving at the venue, I immediately fell into conversation with Evita and liked her a lot.  They had this bass player, named Jajuba.  One look at him and I knew.  I believe in love at first sight.  I have to.  It happened to me.  He had a girlfriend at the time, so I decided we could be friends.  THAT relationship ended and we started dating.  Four years ago today, we were married. 

Chris is my best friend, my soul-mate and the best partner a woman could hope for.  He "gets"  me and makes me feel safe and happy.  He has been by my side through some pretty rough days, always loving and supportive. 

I am so glad I decided to go out that night.  Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.

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