Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 5 and other thoughts...

Well, it's Wednesday, and I am thankful that I have Friday and Monday off.  ;)  I am hoping for wonderful weather this weekend and I am looking forward to taking a small road-trip with a friend. It's been a long time since I did anything like that and I am looking forward to having a stress-free trip.

Mini rant.   I play "word with Friends" and I KNOW that the game is sponsored BUT WHY do I have to watch the same stupid 30 second spot every time I open a new game page?  Some of them are just annoying.  I am particularly sick of the toothpaste add- I think it's Colgate but I can't be sure.  The woman cheeses into the camera as she is brushing her teeth, she cheeses into the camera from the dentist chair and she cheeses at the end of the spot.  She's... annoying.  I stop playing the game after three or four adds. Can't they just put up a still ad?  I could look at it and then go on to my game, appreciating the sponsor, not getting pissed off at them. Rant over.

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