Sunday, November 24, 2013

ARGH! Thanksgiving is THURSDAY and I'm NOT ready!

Does time speed up as you get older?  It seems like it.  Chris and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this week.  Hard to believe, it seems like just yesterday that we were married.  We went to the Getty Villa.  I had never been there.  It is beautiful, with LOTS of statuary.  I will have to post a picture of my favorite "The Muse".  While wandering through the rooms, I saw some pieces that made me think "what if these are kids school projects and we are revering them as great examples of the art of the time?" Ok bad.

Thanksgiving is coming at me way too fast.  I have about eight people coming for dinner and I need to get the house in some semblance of order.  I look forward to the meal with good friends, but the WORK at getting the house "company ready" is a drag.  So what am I doing?  Sitting at the computer, fooling around.   Admittedly, my housemates are still asleep, so there is no way I can do some of the stuff I need to do, but I am feeling LAZY.  I need some motivation ( as if the prospect of a houseful of people isn't enough!)  I need to look in my pantry to see what I need and get my tail to the store.  I love cooking and Thanksgiving is a MAJOR event around here.  It's always fun to have good friends in our home.  I am thankful to be able to do that.  It wasn't always the case in my life.  I am glad for the peace in my home and the joy of the beginning of the holiday season.

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