Monday, November 18, 2013


I woke up this morning, confusing the last lines of two Robert Frost poems with similar themes "  I kept thinking "the woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep" and "Two roads diverged in the woods and I, I took the road less travel by , and that has made all the difference" were lines from the same poem.  It took me a bit to remember that they were not, but because they are BOTH Frost, and I was half awake, you can understand my confusion.  Just why I had Frost on the brain ( in more ways than one) is unclear, except I was at McGroarty on Saturday and the actor playing John McGroarty ( Joe DeCenzo, who did a masterful job of staying in character)  read some of John's poetry.  When he announced he would be doing so, a wise-guy in the crowd asked if he would be reading Robert Frost. He didn't, but Frost must have stuck in my brain.

I don't know if I take the road less traveled all that often.   I am usually in a hurry and taking the shortest route.  I take the road that appeals to me, however and seldom take direction well.  I make my choices for me- and THAT has made all the difference in my life.

The feeling I get from the last lines of "Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening" is that Frost is taking a moment to reflect, to slow down for a moment and enjoy something.  The horse is in a hurry ( sure -HE'S the one standing in the snow, as it "fills up" the woods.)  Frost would like to stay, but has much to do.  The dual meaning of the poem and the use of the word "sleep" meaning both the physical act of sleeping and death is what has made the poem resonate for so long.  Perhaps my subconscious was reminding me to slow down, for although I too have "promises to keep"  I also have "miles to go before I sleep."

I am thankful for poetry.  I haven't written any in a while and  may try to reawaken my passion for the art form.  Up here in Sunland-Tujunga, we have a poet laureate, some year they have been excellent, one year the guy just disappeared.  He was a total disappointment!  It's not something I would take on, but one of these day, I am going to muster the courage to read something I wrote in public!  My poetry is still personal for me, most of the time I like it but don't know if it's "right" or ready for public viewing.  One of these days.....

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