Thursday, November 7, 2013

REALLY THANKFUL- and somewhat shocked

I am leaving town for an overnight trip with a friend.  My sweet husband insisted I needed some time away.  I was going through some bags looking for a few things I may need for the trip.  I put my hand into a bag I had used for a number of things and WHAT was in there?  My grandmother's 1930's style crystal necklace.  The necklace I took as a child from her jewelry box after her death and my mother let me and my sister pick two things each from her jewelry box.  The necklace that went missing when we were evacuated after the Station Fire FOUR years ago!  The necklace I mourned, not because it was worth anything, but what it was worth to me.  I never saw her wearing it, mind you, but it was hers and it made me feel connected to her by it.  I could scarcely believe it.  I had purchased one that was "sort of" like it, so I looked in the box for that one and there it was!  I still cannot believe that after four years, I have found it again!  Thankful?  You'd better believe it!!!!

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