Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thankful day 9

I am thankful for road trips that go well, thankful for the journey there and the coming home.  I had a pretty good time in Las Vegas ( except the losing at slots part, that wasn't as much fun as I wish it were)

I saw the show Zarkana.  It was odd.  I had NO idea about the story line, so I bought a program for ten bucks, thinking it would be more like the one that I get every year at the Pageant of the Masters which is VERY informative.  Sadly , this was not.  Apparently the story is about Zark a magician  who has lost his love and his mojo.  They are in a abandoned theater where a number of women who try to seduce him away from Lia who is his true love.  I had to read that in some kind of review online.  It was impossible to tell, especially since they were singing in what I TOOK to be Italian.  I read that in another review.  It was some made up kind of language, based on "circus language"  They said they originally sung in English, but thought that it gave the audience "too much to pay attention to" so they decided to sing in the made up language.  I found it confusing.  Why bother to make up a story that NO ONE EVER EXPLAINS?????? How in the world was I to infer the story from the action?  I couldn't.  Let me just put this out there as well.  I don't like clowns.  The clowns in this show were annoying.  They did this longish bit about squeaking wheels and shoes that deteriorated into a long fart joke.  Sigh.  They changed the show recently as someone was injured on the "wheel of death" The acrobatics were wonderful , but the show was so slow in spots I wondered what was wrong with it. 

I had a wonderful time and am looking forward to my next two days off!

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