Thursday, February 27, 2014

Arcadia. Who knew?

Well apparently America did.  Last Saturday night, I was treated to the little vacation I needed.  I want to thank Wil and Jen for making the night possible and a lot of fun.  But as usual, I digress...

I've been pretty sick lately, stress mostly has caused my asthma to return in spades.  My husband and I were trying to figure out a mini vacation for me when Jen told me she had seats to a show about 20 minutes from the house.  I revived rather quickly ( like the old Bill Cosby routine, where he fakes being sick and gets well after three pm)  I wasn't faking but the thought of seeing my favortie band and so close to home was JUST the tonic I needed.

We got to the venue ( free parking) and I saw a co-worker who was working the door.  It's a small community, the non-profit art world!  We went inside and as we had backstage passes we were escorted with a brisk efficiency by one of the ushers.  We sat and chatted with Wil for a bit and talked with Glynnis and Rich.  Nice folks  all of them! 

We had excellent seats.  The sound was not as wonderful as I had hoped.  The vocals were not balanced correctly through several of the first songs ( too much harmony, not enough lead) I MUST be married to a bass player because at one point I found myself thinking "this song could use more bass."  Some of it just seemed to be "America Light"  

I was delighted by the new guitarist, Billy the kid Worrell, the former guitar tech.  The kid has some big shoes to fill, following another former guitar tech, Michael  Woods.  Woodz stepped in when Dan abruptly left the band in 1977.  His stage antics were always a delight to see, and I missed seeing him.  Bill was all over the stage and fun to watch.  The lad did a fine job.

The show was over too soon.  We did go backstage again and I got a chance to chat with Matt Beckley.  He's such a nice guy.  I have to take a look and see what he is up to with music.  I think he said he was producing a few acts.   I DO miss seeing HIM perform and it was nice to see him join the rest of the band and Bobby Woods to play the encore.  We talked to Bobby Woods about his band and what he is up to.  Bobby writes some very fine tunes and is a pretty witty guy to talk to. 

It was nice to have a chance to talk with Wil after the show.  I hope the traffic back to LAX wasn't too bad and he made it back before the bar closed!. LAX has some legendary bars!

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