Friday, February 14, 2014


Ugh.  I know it's Valentine's Day and I should be full of hearts and flowers ( and chocolate) but alas the last week has worn me down.

All I want to do is crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head and not come out for a while.  Everything I tried to do this week turned out badly.  I feel like I failed somehow, but I did the best I could.  I have taken just as much as I can.  It truly is a case of "no good deed goes unpunished"  It makes me want to give up.  I certainly am questioning why I do what I do.  I love the places I volunteer for, but the anger and the vitriol I have been experiencing lately has been hard on me both health-wise and emotionally.  Most recently, someone I thought was a colleague in the community went off in a very public way, calling all of us on one Committee incompetent, hinted at fiscal mismanagement and demanded we all be "fired"  We are volunteers.  None of us gets a dime from this.  We do it out of love.  Call for our resignation, I suppose.  Last night I just wanted to chuck it all, even as I was working feverishly on the mailer for our latest program.  This after a full day working with mu union, another volunteer gig that has me shaking my head.  I try to be an even person, but some days I just want to HIT somebody.

Tomorrow, I have a meeting regarding the LA Marathon.  I haven't even THOUGHT about it yet!  It's coming up fast and on Sunday I will email all my folks with the specifics.  Let me know if you want to join me in Santa Monica on March 9.  It really IS fun, and I promise you very little drama of the nasty kind!

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