Friday, February 7, 2014

Stress and dealing with stupid people

OK that's not nice, but I am not feeling all that nice.  Last night, I had TWO massive asthma attacks.  I really thought I was going to die.  Bad, probably the worst I have ever had.  I'm still a bit shaky this morning, but I have a boatload of work on my plate and I probably couldn't rest thinking about it anyway.  I know what is causing it.  Yesterday was far too stressful a day ,not work, which was the usual stress, but things around me.  I am sick and tired of people who take a rumor and spread it as if it were gospel.  I am sick of hipsters who think they are special and everyone should kiss their feet and be grateful to satisfy their every whim.  Whatever happened to selflessness?  Did we raise a generation of "Me-firsts"?  I am often dismayed by that.  Someone said something so untrue and so vile, but I cannot respond, at least not at the moment.  It's not about me, not directly anyway, but it just chaps my hide that these little brats are spreading rumors and everyone is rubbing their hands in delighted glee.  I feel like I'm back in Jr High with the Mean Girls.  To get it out of my system, I will probably write an answer and delete it.  It's a good stress reliever; say ALL the nasty horrible things you want and delete it.  Don't send it.  That would be counterproductive and pointless.  But get it out of your brain and your body.  I need to do that later today BEFORE my evening meeting, so I can focus on the true task at hand. 

This will all be resolved, one way or another, by next week.  I will keep focused on my mission.  I will try to remember the line from the Frost poem:

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep
but I have promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep
Miles to go before I sleep."

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