Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Random and disconnected thoughts

I am home sick and I will be going back upstairs to hunker down in bed with my book and hopefully some sleep.  This whatever-it -is sucks.  Cold?  Flu?  Not really sure.  I just know I feel awful.  I don't have TIME for this!

This is the week when all the things I am committed to ( or should be committed for) are coming to the forefront.  I need my wits about me and all the meds they have me on make me slightly loopy.  Not fun, not fun at all!

This morning, I was remembering my friend Laura who died on this day in 1981.  I miss her still.  She was an angel on earth.  Kind hearted and warm ;a vibrant woman whose life was lost far too quickly.  She had lupus and slipped away from us.  I will never forget her.  I gave my daughter her middle name as a remembrance- they both share Elizabeth as a middle name.  I wonder if she had lived if we would still be friends.  I like to think so.I remember her funeral service, fittingly on Valentine's Day.  I remember her parents comforting us and thinking shouldn't WE be comforting them? I now realize that the full church and the long procession must have been a kind of comfort, knowing how well she was loved.  Some people you just never forget.

My daughter sent me a picture of her ultrasound.  Yes!  The baby is about the size of a peanut right now, but there IS a baby.  Kate and Danny are over the moon about it.  I am happy and think they will be good parents.  They have talked about children and wanted them for so long.  I'd better start knitting!

My mom made something for the baby before she got too sick.  I have it and wonder what it is.  We will see in September!

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