Friday, February 28, 2014

Racisim and Arizona and stuff I think about at 3 a.m.

I was watching an Internet program called "what would you do" which is kind of a social justice version of the old Candid Camera.   It puts real people in uncomfortable social situations to see how they react.  This one was entitled "reverse racism"  which put a white woman with a black boyfriend in a barbershop in Harlem.  The woman cutting her BF's hair ( also an actress) began talking badly about how he could be dating a white woman.  A number of patrons took her to task about it, but some just sat there, uncomfortable.  It was an interesting experiment, as all the "What would you do" pieces are, but the title "reverse racism" got me thinking.  It implies that whites have a lock on racism and that racism toward them is unusual.  I don't think so.  I think anyone can be racist.  Anyone can try to insult or deny someone a basic right based only on their race.  I don't think we whites have an exclusive on it.  Racism is ignorance in action, no matter who is doing the talking.

I see Jan Brewer caved to economic pressure and vetoed that ridiculous bill  that encouraged discrimination based on a supposed "religious right"  since WHEN is hate a religious value.  Not the Christianity I believe in.  I often wonder what Christ would say, if he saw the atrocities committed in his name.  This "law" was meant to legalize bigotry.  Can't a business clearly state "we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone"  I think that is what the signs say.  Making it the law is just plain wrong.  The fact that she did it for economic, rather than humanist reasons speaks to the kind of person who is in charge in the state of Arizona.  I think Arizonan's need to take a cold hard look at their elected officials and make a change in the coming elections.  I know there are businesses who treated me poorly and I will NEVER go back there.  Why would I spend my hard earned money at a place that clearly didn't want business from the likes of me?  I have let my friends know what happened to me at some of these places and have encouraged them to seek out other businesses who provided better service. If someone did not want to make me a cake, sell me a dress or serve me a meal, I didn't raise a fuss, I just left and let others know not to use that business.  It's called business and the reputation within the community is what drives it.  If someone is so ignorant that they don't want MY business, then I will let others know.  Hitting businesses in the pocket may not change the owner's narrow mind, but it may change their operating policies.

The rain woke me up at 3 a.m. It's going to be a busy day at work.  I am also going to be up at McGroarty Arts Center for Fourth Friday's.  Come on up, brave the rain and hear a local band Frankie and Friends- jazz fusion and 70's and 80's hits.  I'm tending bar!

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