Thursday, June 3, 2021

and Blog, blog blog

 I saw the Former Guy shut down his blog.  Apparently, it did NOT take the literary world by storm- he couldn't get people to READ the darn thing, let alone PAY for the privilege.    Remember, your fan base thinks you are rich beyond the dreams of avarice, so you don't really NEED the money to run again, do you?  Move a few couch cushions and PRESTO several million dollars.

Perhaps a meandering rant about things every day was not quite as entertaining as people had hoped.  Perhaps it showed them a peek into your worm infested brain and it wasn't the thing that made them say "oh YES we must have him leading the Nation again"  Maybe his Minders realized he was about to give away the plot for the next Coup attempt- although with half the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in the Federal pokey, I wonder who will storm the Capitol this time?  Maybe his 30-day free trial expired and he didn't want to pay the fee for the snazzy blog page his people designed for him.

Maybe writing something with more than 280 characters was too taxing on him.

We can laugh at him, but it's people like Michael Flynn and his ilk that should scare us.  He WANTS a dictatorship and would probably get help from countries who would benefit from our demise.  There are people in this Country who THINK they are "patriots" when they are really "patsys" for people who do NOT have their best interests at heart.

People have been slamming Joe Biden for not bringing forth a miracle in his four plus months in office.  Do I wish he had been able to do more?  Yes, but The Republicans in the Senate are Hell-bent on preventing any progress.  This is they way they "win"  they can point to their "success" in stopping anything from happening as proof of the ineffectiveness of the current President.  The Democrats have to play the same game, then.  Enough  nice bi-partisan efforts.  They have the majority and should just ram it home as much as possible.  Any Congressperson who doesn't show up to vote- without a darn good reason- should be removed from office.  We elected them to represent US- not the corporations they kowtow to or the special interest groups.  It's time the American people held our representatives accountable for their behavior at their jobs.  If I behaved that way, I would have been sacked a long time ago.

Marjorie Taylor Greene should be held for a 24-hour psych eval. I hope the people of her state hold her accountable .  I would elect a ham sandwich over that nutjob.

Still, writing an honest blog that is thought provoking can be tricky.  I subscribe to Dan Rather's "Steady" and Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters from an American"  Both are well written, and make you think or teach you something of our shared history.  If you are not reading them, I recommend you take a look at both of these fine writers.

It shows the blog format is not done, if done correctly.

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