Thursday, June 17, 2021

Power words

 Do you have a "go to" word?  When you are facing an obstacle is there a word or a phrase that motivates you?  Mine is "rise"  I know it seems weird, but that word let's me know I can do whatever it it that I need to do ( I know most of you thought my word was "coffee" or "Chocolate" but those are a different motivator altogether)

Lately, I have been struggling with a situation- not related to my family.  I have spoken with colleagues and I have to tell you, I am most fortunate in the people I can call my friends.  A lot of them are facing the same challenge and my conversations with them, while not solving the problem, which frankly seems unsolvable, made me feel less like I was alone.  I need to find a way to work around the situation, because there is no changing it.

So I rise.  I put on my big girl panties and soldier on  ( how's THAT for a mixed metaphor?)  I don't cry in public.  When the situation is in my face, I will try to remember the words of my friends who are in a similar situation.   

I saw my surgeon yesterday.  I need to lose 25 pounds before they will do the surgery.  I have six weeks.  Wish me luck.  I don't need a special "diet"  what works for me it to eat what I want, but half of it.  If I deny myself anything it will be the ONLY thing I want and then I will overeat it.  I know myself.  That and exercise, which I must admit I have neglected.  So far I am biking a mile on the stationary bike. It went easier than expected so I may bump it up to 2.  Again, wish me luck.  

Rise up
When you're living on your knees, you rise up
Tell your brother that he's gotta rise up
Tell your sister that she's gotta rise up

1 comment:

  1. When I was facing a very difficult personnel situation at a particular branch, my then boss Edris (a wonderful woman who I can call Mom with no irony!0 gave me the poem by Maya Angelou, "Still I rise."
    I cannot, in all honesty, tell you it worked, or even helped ALL of the time, but it did help MOST of the time, and gave am pause to think, and , as you wrote, to soldier on. Big boy panties, however!
    Soldier on, and you will RISE!


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