Friday, June 18, 2021

Politics - always on my mind

 I have been a political animal since I was about 8 or 9.  The murder of MLK and RFK happened when I was a kid and the Vietnam War raged.  I struggled then and I still struggle with, man's inhumanity to man and the need to own everything to the detriment of life on this planet.  I realize that ideology has a lot to do with it, and the belief that one group of people are somehow superior to another because of skin color or faith. 

I cannot understand the Republican Party's need to suppress votes in order to "win" an election.  Hey!  Why not put forward a solid platform of ideas and goals, not the current method, which looks like it was created by PeeWee Hermann ( I know you are but what am I?)  I may not have agreed with the plans the Republicans had, back in the late 60's and early 70's, but at least you knew where they stood.  Now it's all a Cult of Personality ( if Trump HAS a personality, he's a slimebucket in my opinion and the fact that some hold him up as god-like makes me physically ill)  Running a Country is different than being Prom King.  You should have a real plan.  Trump spent his time playing "you'll see, I have the BEST plan" without ever saying what it was. I suspect he didn't have one, save to line his pockets.  People believed that the Democrats would make us a "socialist country" without understanding that Democratic socialism is not communism.

I think Putin's reaction to Joe Biden is telling, but Putin is the Slimebucket of all Slimebuckets and while I think Joe Biden knows this, He needs to remain on guard as far as Russia is concerned.  We have come back into the light, our President does not kowtow to dictators and I have hope once again.

Joe Manchin is about to discover that there is no such thing as bipartisanship as long as Trump and Yertle McConnell have sway in the Republican Party.  I hope, after presenting his plan to amend the "For The People" act to get them on board, he will give up and just vote.  we need to get rid of the filibuster too.  I know it might bite the Democrats but really, didn't we elect senators to enact the will of the PEOPLE, not their Corporate Masters?   

Still, I have hope.  Juneteenth is a National holiday- and redneck heads exploded all over the South.  Student loan forgiveness will help jumpstart the economy; it's a proven fact that when middle income people have money they spend it.  Not having that huge debt over their heads will free them up to actually have a life, buy a house, have children.  The Rich - who probably don't HAVE student debt- only put their money in the bank.

Off topic.  I went to my doctor to discuss surgery.  I need to lose 20-25 pounds.  I freely admit I did NOT exercise during the pandemic, but am biking on the stationary bike and eating what I want but about half of it.   Wish me luck, I have until August 4!


  1. Well, I am NOT having surgery, and my doctor is on my (big fat!) ass to lose about or at least that much, too, so we can do it together. I was so good at the beginning - walking careful what I ate, and as th emonths went by, eh.
    NOW, Mister Lardass is ashamed and can't fit into any clothes - just as the time comes when I could actually put some on and go somewhere!
    As for all the previous paragraphs, you know I agree completely!
    Happy Father's Day! You have good memories of your father.

  2. I miss him, but I as I said yesterday to Chris, I am glad he is not in any pain and is with my mother. I think of him when I cook- which is every day!


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