Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tuesday and I am writing

 I see that Joe and Jill were in Cornwall and I am super jealous.  I was GOING to Cornwall, where my family lives until the pandemic.  WAAAAHHHH   Also in a weird "six degrees" the young lady chosen to sing at one of the events is a dear friend of one of my extended cousins ( I am not clear on the "once removed" or "second and third" so Cousin it is!)   It was so NICE to see everyone smiling- and no pouting orange menace sitting there with his arms across his chest like a teenager dragged to an AA meeting  I am hopeful for the state of the world again.

Did you se that moron Marjorie Taylor Greene made a half-baked apology about saying masks were like the Holocaust.  Turns out they don't teach the Holocaust in Trump Elementary or wherever the hell she went to school.  It is my hope the people of her region do NOT reelect her; she was the only one running and still didn't get 100% of the vote, so there IS hope.

Can we just drag Bill Barr and HIS minions into court for white collar crimes?  He must have thought no one would catch up to what he was doing- illegally going after anyone who publically opposed his Master and trying to get anything on them.  Did he wire tap  Adam Schiff's KID?   that's the inference.  Geez I won't ask "how low can you go?"  I think we are just on the surface.  If you are ok with that, being so afraid of the truth  coming out you go after your "enemies" then you have no place in politics.  Go back to bankrupting universities and casinos.  I remember being shocked that Nixon had an "enemies' list.  Nixon got out and made a deal.  trump thinks he is immune and I fear that there ARE two legal systems; one for the rich and one for  the rest of us.  He needs to be held accountable.  Period.

Better jump off or I am going to be late for work.  I am going downtown at least once a week, possibly more based on need and workload.  Frankly, I am tired of working in my 2 x 2 workspace in my tiny apartment.  I need a change of scenery.

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