Tuesday, June 22, 2021


 Tomorrow is my 63rd birthday and I am pausing to reflect on things.  I am going to work- something I don't like doing, working on my birthday but I am expecting surgery sometime this year and I am saving all my vacation and PTO for that time.  I have about two weeks of sick time saved, I think, so it will be ok.  I think I will be off about three weeks, then I can start to work from home.  I can't drive for about two months.  I am having my right knee replaced IF I can lose 20 pounds in six weeks.  I am eating less and exercising more.  I have a stationary bike and I am on it daily- mostly- and am doing between 1-2 miles on it.  I feel stronger, but maybe that's the steroid shot the surgeon gave me.  It is helpful to have less pain, let me tell you!  Chris is taking me away on a small trip this weekend to help me feel better.

I read in the AARP magazine that one of the reasons people can't lose weight is lack of sleep.  I don't sleep well these days.  My doctor told me to take a lot more Tylenol than I have been taking for pain, but I don't know. The LAST time a doctor told me to take regular pain med, aspirin, I wound up sicker than a dog from it.  I was so spaced out I didn't know my own name.  Fun times.  Still two at  night SHOULD help me sleep, if I stop having asthma attacks during the night,   Stress, I suspect is the culprit here.  The trip away should help a bit, and some of the things that are causing the stress should ease soon, but sheesh,  

What do you do to lose weight?

Now that we can actually get out of the house it might be easier. I still mask up, but the mask sometimes triggers an asthma event and THAT is a lot of fun in public.  Having the mask on, I can hide the inhalers but it is not fun.  I want to go to the beach,  I want to splash in the water.  Walking on the sand might prove too challenging but I think I would like to try it.  Maybe in a few weeks.  This weekend is no where near the water.  Water is my happy place, it gives me peace. 

I am thinking about politics and the "for the People" act and wondering why the Republicans in Congress are SO dead set against it.  Probably being paid buy people who don't want democracy or know that their policies are not popular with  everyone, so they are trying to limit access to those who support them.  Call your representative to support the measure.  Tell them you will help elect their opponent!

I am going to try to make my "Summer" doorhanger this evening. I have been making them and the Spring one needs to come down.  I hope to have the energy and the creativity to do it.  They are not anything  that anyone would want to buy, but I find the creative process to be fun.  Like writing, it takes effort and I need to find the little spark to do this this evening.  We need to catch up on Loki this evening as well.  I love how Tom Hiddleston plays that character. He keeps you on your toes.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, and if you find themagic weight loss secret, please let me know. I have NO excuses, except I am lazy and particularly listless.


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