Women who escape an abusive- either physical or emotional-relations ship are often pressured by friends and family (who never saw the abuse happening) to "forgive him and get back together with him for the sake of the family". the pressure can be quite intense and a woman in a toxic relationship has already had her confidence and decision-making undermined and often goes back to the abuser for Round Two.
Some women realize that forgiveness often gives the abuser, especially a narcissist, permission to do it again, if the woman does not "behave" and do what she is told. In these instances, the abuser will try to harm the woman to get even.
This is where America is now.
You took him back.
Felon47 was an unfit President the first time around. But he managed to either convince or connive his way back into office and with the current crop of sycophants doing his bidding in Congress, impeachment is off the table for the moment.
He's even worse now, since he has his best bro telling him what to do, a "bro" who is even more toxic and hell-bent on vengeance than Felon47 is, if that is possible.
They are destroying everything this country was built on. They worship dictators and Nazis and pretend to be faithful Christians, but honestly, if Jesus showed up today, preaching the Beatitudes, they would deport his brown Jewish ass to Gitmo.
Fun Fact- Jesus was born in the Middle East. And a question-What are the chances he was a blue eyed blonde, like the depiction in the churches of my childhood? The answer is Zippo, but I am sure the Christians rationalize it that Jesus was made in our image or some other type of nonsense.
Felon47 is doing the classic abuser move in limiting what we can know, limiting our access to our friends and telling us what we see is not real. HE is the best thing that ever happened to us and if you don't believe it, just ask him.
We must rise. We must fight back. remember every accusation is a confession. Gather your tribe close to you. Protect the vulnerable. Demand better of local elected officials, because the ones in DC are either powerless or "turned" by the Dark Side.
Remember the first words of the Constitution, Written BOLDLY in larger letters than all the rest are WE THE PEOPLE. NOT The President. Not Congress. Not God or Jesus. THE PEOPLE.
The Current Administration would like you to forget that.
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