Friday, February 7, 2025

History Months

 I see the White Males who are currently fouling up ever part of our Nation are so FRIGHTENED  by the THOUGHT that someone might lean that there were people OTHER than White Males in the world they have canceled any "History Month"  removed any teaching of ANYONE who isn't a White Male from Armed Services Classes and either taken down or covered with brown paper, the portraits on the walls of ANYONE who isn't a White Male.

American History in school is mostly His Story with a few women or non White Males tossed into the salad for flavor..

I wonder if they are denying that Barrack Obama was President?  Oh yeah  They are still clinging to the Birther Story that The Republican Administration holds dear.

Poor sad little men.

They are afraid that if we learn any history other than that of White Men it will somehow damage them.  If THEY are not seen as the ONLY ones who can DO anything, then they can't keep their boots on our necks.

So, if you are reading this, please participate in the pissing them off by posting, for this month, Black History.  I want to learn about Black Americans who invented, who created, who changed things.  Give me new heroes in the world to admire.  

They can make it no longer official - or they can try, I see my City is still embracing it all!- but they can't stop all of us.

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