Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I bought a book today

 I just bought my own copy of Timothy Snyder's brilliant , thought provoking book "On Tyranny Twenty Lessons from the 20th Century"

I had checked it out from the library, but quickly realized that having it for three weeks was not going to be enough and I needed to own it.  I am rather selective these days as I have more books than bookcases and my filing system has gone to shit- I am sure my librarian friends would be horrified!

I bought the book from Skylight Books , an independent bookstore in the Los Feliz area.  I am doing my best NOT to buy from Amazon and more from small businesses when possible.  It was a bit of a drive BUT I also stopped at Yuca's Hut and got a machaca burritos so TWO FOR TWO on small businesses ( Seriously if you are in LA and haven't been to Yucas'  WHY NOT???)

It's a small book. One could read it in an afternoon, but should not.  Each chapter has much to consider and much to digest.  In the chapter "Be calm when the unthinkable arrives" he compares the Reichstag fire that gave Hitler his power to what could happen here.  The Parliament of Germany gave Hitler the power to  rule by decree.  He then got rid of them.  Anyone who opposed him was taken to a Camp.  

The Republican lead Congress is close to doing this, unaware that once they do he will remove them from their power. They think he will let them keep milking the American public and do what THEY want and not what is good for the people. The think he will remove all the Democrats  from Congress. Nope.  He will just do whatever HE wants.

We live in scary times.  I see people I knew once CHEERING for the horrible things he does, but Karma is not a bitch,  She's a sweet old lady who serves you the same tea you've been serving people for years.

Let's hope the tea party happens before too long

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