Saturday, February 8, 2025

Ramblings on a Saturday morning

 Up.  Having coffee. trying not to doom scroll but it is inevitable

I see Felon47 appointed a Faith Nazi to make sure we all adhere to the NeoCon version of Christianity.

YOUR faith doesn't matter.  We will ALL follow the Right Reverend Paula White-Cain .Now THERE is an ironic name if ever I heard one. Blind to anything but what she wants to see?  Probably, although I think Paula really wants to see more ducats in her bank account.

Are you any faith other than Paula's version of the Bible?  Sorry, according to the Executive Order by Felon 47  NO  you are not.  They seem to be particularly peeved at the Lutherans.  Catholics are probably up next, although Missing in action VP Shady Vance is purported to be Catholic, so maybe the Jews are next on the hit list?  Muslims are already practically illegal.

This is just another example of The Republican Administration wanting to burn the Constitution and  file articles of Incorporation so they can appoint someone CEO. that someone will most likely NOT be doddering old Felon47.  They used him and his base to get into power and unless a whole lot of us do something, this is where we are headed.


Digressing.  I had a really weird dream last night.  I have been having them- probably related to the anxiety the news is causing me:

I was at a House Concert ( which I am going to this evening, please check out the music of Bernie Barlow- you can thank me later)  The concert turned into a Hindu street fair where a lot of weird things happened, but the weirdest was when they let frogs go.  The frogs went thru some fire that did not burn them, but changed them into snakes.

Let's not get Freudian about it.  It was just weird.

Off to the Zoo for a Members only morning.

I will NOT be visiting the Reptile House.

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