I wish I had written this this morning when it was fresh in my head, but I was on my way to work, so I didn't
I have been thinking about a lot of things regarding the current state of the United States. It scares me and I keep hoping that someone- or a group of someones can stop the tide of madness that is the current Republican Party. Unstable, unqualified candidates for Cabinet? Let them in without vetting because our Lord and Master, the Second Coming Orange JEEZUS says we must.
Again I wonder what he has on all of them.
I heard a song on the radio- well I listen to streaming so it was my "Jackson Browne station- that made me think
Stevie Winwood's "Finer things"
The lyrics spoke to me in a way that made me think. Recently, several of my friends who are my age have passed and as one is wont to do when that happens, I am looking back over my life AND I am looking at the now of my life. "While there is time, let's go out and feel everything" I wonder if I want to feel everything? Maybe. Although I tend to feel that Stevie is not talking about feeling scared or helpless, but about all that life has to offer. Letting our souls get lost in one another.
Nothing is certain, but we plan anyway. That is hope. People who know me say I am a planner, which to some extent I am. But I think my planning is rooted in the hope that my plans will be necessary and will result in the end product of hope; joy.
As we watch two of the most vindictive and cruel people in most recent times work to dismantle a 249 year experiment, we must retain hope and work toward the outcome we desire. We must rise.
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