I woke up this morning, thinking that since it was the first of the month, I should say "Rabbit, Rabbit"
It's supposed to bring good luck and after the Year of January we just went through ( seriously, the longest month EVER) I thought it couldn't hurt.
Once again I am trying to write every day. I had a dream in which I was told that what I would write this month would help someone and I needed to get to it. I put some stock in dreams and I hope this month of work WILL help someone.
Maybe that someone is me.
The speaker in the dream told me that it was important, so here goes.
I am horrified at what Felon47 is doing and yet he supposedly has a 50% approval rating . Polls are often super skewed and I wonder where they got these figures- certainly not by asking almost anyone I know.
Statistics can be tricky and can be made to reflect anything if you skew it right. yes, I know Math is Math and not subject to opinion, but I often think about this example of statistics:
A man running for Sherriff in a small town states "My opponent is soft on crime! Last year our murder rate went up 100%!!!" The statistic was the year before there had been no murders, that year there had been one.
Was he right? Technically, yes but the inference that there was blood running in the streets was certainly a misleading use of statistics.
I think the polls are taken in areas where the pollsters will get the desired result, not the truth.
Felon47 is currently SUING a pollster who had the temerity to post a poll saying he would lose. Poor little snowflake. He currently holds the office of President. I won't say he's sitting in the Oval Office, because I highly doubt he is going to spend much time there- after all it's SATURDAY and he spent all week writing Executive Orders, many of which are only meant for him to be able to tell his base that he did what he said he would, even if it is illegal and will not hold up in court.
I would be willing to bet he is at Mar-a-Lago , playing golf, The money he charges us for his trips and to put up his Secret Service detail in his hotels should make all of us ill. He charges them top dollar.
I don't have the energy this morning to talk about what is going on, but he is certainly running the Hitler playbook.
So, Rabbit Rabbit! I read that if you forget to say it in the morning you can say "Black Rabbit" before you go to bed or "Tibbar, Tibbar" that's Rabbit rabbit backwards
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