Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday morning musings

I was up earlier than usual this morning.  I kept having the same nightmare and got tired of falling back into it when I fell back to sleep, so I got up and petered around the kitchen.  I have taken a small "hiatus" from blogging, but am going to try to get back into writing SOMETHING every day.  Ray Bradbury wrote 1000 words every day.  I don't think I have THAT kind of drive.  I don't think in stories and I wonder how that is done?  I know I enjoy the act of putting something down on paper ( or in this case , on the screen) but I wonder how to start writing something that is fictional.  I was listening to a writer whose book I just finished listening to, talk about her approach to the creative process.  She said she doesn't know where the story will take her, she begins with a character and an incident and goes from there.  I might give that a try.  By nature, I am a "planner" and those who know me know that I try to see all the pitfalls that might occur before I set out on a project and plan accordingly.  It's probably not the best way to approach a creative project and I will need to learn to "go with the flow" more than I do.   I am probably a better manager than an artist, although I do enjoy the creative process it has been a long time since I have done anything I wanted to share ( other than these rather self-indulgent blogs, that is!)  So, my artistic friends,  how do YOU approach the creative process, do you think, or just feel and go?


  1. I think it's learning how to use both sides of the brain. I know it's hard to make them work together. I think I'm a little bit of both. Sometimes I try to make pictures in my mind and draw doodles on paper when I have to write something.

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  3. I can only speak for writing music but, I have written some of my best songs by starting with a plan. Not everything laid out, but a few ideas that I wanted to place in the song. I have also written from just noodling around until I like something. This is how I write more often just because it is easier. Don't know if any of this translates into writing a story, but I love you very much my sweet wife.



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