Thursday, December 6, 2012

St Nicholas Tag and cars.

It's St Nicholas Tag ( or St Nicholas Day) a children's holiday and the official start in my mind of the Christmas Holiday season.  On this day, children who have left a shoe out find a small gift inside the shoe.  I no longer have any children in the house,and I didn't have a chance to get anything anyway.  I've been super busy.  Am I ready for the holidays?  Nope.  I am thinking about baking this weekend, planning to do a bunch of it.  We will see.  My energy is zippo.  I have been running so hard ( not literally, but you know)  I have burned out.  I am trying to recharge my batteries.  Maybe getting into the holiday spirit will help.  I don't have time for the usual holiday courtesies at work.  I find myself WAY behind in where I want to be with my workload, so no parties for me. It's ok, really.  Like I said, I am having trouble finding my Merry this Christmas.

My car is still in the shop.  The starter was fixed ( whew) but the tow company damaged the transmission oil pan so they have it and are repairing it.  I hope they do a good job!  I will probably have someone I trust check out the work to make sure it's ok.  I was NOT happy that they did that, nor was I happy that the girl I spoke with at the tow yard tried to give me attitude about it.  TRIED.  I was NOT having any of it.  She intimated that WE had caused the problem!  Hello??   I was UNDER the car trying to find the starter so we could replace it. I would have been covered in transmission fluid if it had been leaking before they towed it.  I certainly didn't crack the part.  I hope I get my little car back today.  I miss it.

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