A lot on my mind this morning...
Pearl Harbor Day. I am thinking about my dad and about his brother, a man I never met. My father's brother was at Pearl Harbor. He witnessed the attack but like so many who were there could do nothing. It must have been the most helpless feeling in the world. Terrifying to be in the middle of that attack. My dad said his brother was never "right" after that. Today we would call it PTSD, back then they were just told to deal with it. I think that this in part lead to the falling out between the brothers; although Dad always said his brother had a different mindset and work ethic than he did. I never met my Dad's brother, nor his children, although I know about them and I know their names. Living out here in California, I don't really know any of my cousins, except the ones I talk to via Facebook. Strange.
I am interviewing another doctor today and hope it will go well. This last bout of asthma was the last straw with my former doctor. I went to him in JULY to talk about my asthma and ask to be put back on the meds. Now, Kaiser will "roll a pill " at just about anything, but he refused. Wouldn't listen! I have been asthmatic for about 15 years. I know the warning signs. I was having trouble. This doctor just gave me a rescue inhaler and told me to use it. I hate that. The rescue inhaler just makes me feel spacy, breathing but spacy. The maintenance meds keep me on an even keel. So, it is with great hope I go to find a doctor I can trust. Admittedly, this last guy gave me an inkling of what he would be like by having his nurse call me after I made an appointment to admonish me to "be on time. Doctor hates it when patients are late" EXCUSE ME? I haven't even seen him yet and he assumes I am going to be late? WTF? I thought that was incredibly rude.
I got my car back. I hope they put the oil in it. Maybe I should check before I drive it. The tow company brought it back to the house yesterday. I hope my little car is ok!
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