Sunday, May 11, 2014

An attitude.... of Gratitude!

Making coffee in my kitchen this morning, I was thinking about how people don't seem happy anymore.  How people are always wishing for grander things and not looking at the little things in their lives that are really quite special when you think of them.  I need to work on that myself, although every day I am thankful and try to put that out there in the world. 

This morning, I was grateful for coffee and fresh water to make it with.  It's a small thing, here in America, but there are people all over the world who don't have that.   I am trying to remember that I have so much and to be content in the things I have; although working toward the things I realistically want is not out of my thoughts either.

I found out this morning that a local business, The Back Door Bakery, burned down.  From the one photo I saw on line, it looks like a total loss.  It's a shame.  They had just expanded their businesses to the new store  and were doing well.  I hope they can rebuild.  The owner is beloved in this community and I am certain they will rally around her to make it happen.  I had been in the store early on, but due to my nut allergy, have never felt comfortable eating the beautiful pastries in the case.  I was always going to go and get a meal there, the food looked very good, but never got there.

Every day, I am going to try to be grateful for small things in my life.  I am always grateful for  my home, my friends and my family.  I am going to try to be grateful for a green light when I am late to work, for someone holding the elevator for me, for a sunny day.  I am going to try to remeber it's the small blessings that make life sweet.

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