Thursday, May 8, 2014

Don't piss me off

I saw a meme today that said something like "I don't need to work on my anger issues.  People have to work at not pissing me off."  I can relate.  I need to relax a bit, but things are really hacking me off these days. Venting usually helps, so here goes.

Parking.  People who take up two parking spaces.  I live on a street with a lot of apartments and parking can be dicey. One woman in my building parks her POS Toyota in the middle space in front of the building, effectively taking the space which COULD have accommodated TWO cars.  Every. Freaking. Day.   Like it's HER space.  GRRRR.  There was a guy who parked in the parking garage where I work who took a space on the end but parked across it so that so car could possibly park next to him and ding the door on his new BMW.  What this genius failed to realize was that the NOSE of the car was hanging out in the aisle. One a corner.  Freaking BRILLIANT!

Two terms that should be banned from further usage in business discussions; "reaching out"and 'transparency".  I am so SICK of hearing how a business or agency is "reaching out" to the community to find out what they need.  It is SO overused.  It is a sad attempt to make businesses seem all warm and fuzzy.  STOP.  Just STOP.   As far as transparency, people only use that when they feel they are out of the loop.  Demanding "transparency" just means that they feel they have the "right" to know all the intimate details of  something.  They probably don't really need to know, but they scream "where's the transparency?" at every opportunity.

Stupid thieves.  Seriously, there has been a rash of plumbing thefts recently and I am flummoxed to figure out why.  At one branch, they have stolen the pipe that connects the toilet to the wall TWICE.  I have to wonder if someone is repairing a house.  People steal the craziest things.  I realize that SOME of the thefts have to do with the price of copper. What REALLY makes me crazy is the thought of all those unscrupulous recycling agencies.  You HAVE to know that  these people who come in with twelve newish back-flow devices aren't working for a construction company.  I wonder about the people who were stealing manhole covers.  Those are actually STAMPED City of Los Angeles!

As I go through my day today, I am going to work on my "attitude of gratitude" but some days are harder than others!

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you vent! Especially because I feel so strongly about many of the same things. A few years ago, my house was brokeninto and some things were taken - to add insult to injury, they thre my camera BACK because it wasn't good enough - but they stole my laptop - and I had to go witht he police to reclaim it - AND - pay the $60.00! I asked about receiving stolen goods - and apparnetly there is some loophole for pawn shops..................they must know this stuff is stolen! Also, the double parking space really cheeses me off! So selfish, so arrogant, so damn mean! Keep venting! I love it! Tom


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