Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday thoughts

It's going to be a long and rocky weekend , for reasons I will not go into here.  Those of you who know me know I am facing an issue that is weighing on me.  I am proceeding gently, but some things, no matter how gently you try to resolve them cannot be resolved without some kind of pain.  Chris and I are solving this together- it's not a problem between US.  My husband is my rock.  Every day I am grateful for him and marvel that I found him and that he is in my life. 

I was listening to Joni Mitchell yesterday on my way home.  The song "Blue"  came on.  The opening line is "Blue, songs are like tattoos"  I have heard that song countless times since the album came out in the 70's, but I guess I never really thought about that line.  How IS a song like a tattoo?  I guess that a really good song makes an indelible mark on us, that we draw something from it and it changes our thoughts or how we see something.  Some songs come along and really make you think.  I know that Peter Gabriel's "Solsbury Hill"  gave me the push I needed to change jobs a number of years ago.  I believe it was a song he wrote about leaving Genesis and striking out on his own.  I love that song for the feelings of uncertainty that it addresses and the joy he expresses at the end about making the decision.  I think I need to find a copy and listen to it today!

As a person who loves words, I find that lyrics often have the greater impact on me, but there are songs that improve or inform my mood with just a bass line, or a guitar lick or a drum beat.  I heard "Tusk" the other day.  The song was NOT one of my favorites when it came out, but hearing it the other day, I really got into the drumming.  Intense!  The song is still stupid, lyrically, but the drumming will bring me back for another listen.

I am at McGroarty this evening, tending bar at the Fourth Fridays Event.  Come up and see me!  The band is Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements.   The songs are well written  and funny from what I hear in the snippets I downloaded.  I just hope it stops RAINING!!!!

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