Friday, May 9, 2014

What I got from my Mother

I talk a lot about my Dad, I guess, but not so much about my Mom.  As Mother's Day approaches and my daughter prepares to join the "Mother" group, I am thinking about my Mom.

I got her worry gene.  I need to work on NOT worrying, but I can't seem to help it.  She worried about everything.  She once called the gas company to ask where the bill was.  She was afraid she hadn't paid it and they were going to shut the gas off. 

My mom was into sewing, I am not, but my daughter is.  I can knit, crochet and needlepoint.  I can embroider; but SEW?  Not my favorite thing to do.  I can mend a tear and hem my jeans- a skill learned in Jr. high, being so short it was a survival skill.  In high school, my jeans and my denim shirts all has elaborate embroidery, long before they made machines that you could use, I was designing pictures on my clothes. 

I got my love of family and holidays from my mom.  She was never so happy as when the whole family was in the house for Christmas.  She loved Christmas and spent a lot of time decorating the house.  In the past few years, Christmas has kind of snuck up on me and the house is minimally decorated.  I love Thanksgiving, with it's traditional food and the warm smells of a roasting turkey or a fresh-baked pie.

I got my love of reading from my mom.  She and my grandmother read to me and I started reading early.  I read constantly.  It is one form of relaxation.  If I can lose myself in a good book, it erases some of the stress my normal day to day activities bring to my life.   I plan on reading to my grandson, just as I read to his mother and just as my mother read to me.

Still, I miss my mom.  I missed her the day I married Chris, although I believe in my heart of hearts that she was there somehow.  I will miss her when I cuddle my grandson in September for the first time.  She would be so happy.  I wonder who I will see in the boy when I look at him for the first time.  The kids are naming him after my father.  If the baby had been a girl, they would have named her after my mother.

So, Happy Mother's Day, Mom, and Happy Mother's day to all those moms out there.  If you can still hug yours, hug her for me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Robyn, a very moving message. I miss my mother every day and it has been over twenty-two years. And even though there is not an "Aunt' Day," I miss my Aunt Grace, her sister, from whom I probably get even more traits! People seem not to have aunts anymore, or at least the card companies don't think so. I finally gave up trying to find an appropriate card from my last, my Aunt Alice. Anyway, this holiday does make me think about them all even more, wonder about them in Heaven, hope they would be proud of me. Every time I use something of theirs, and the house is full of stuff (!) I think of them in a small way. At the Eagle rock Library, we'd always put together a display for Mother's Day in our big glass case - well, now I still do a little one on the sideboard (yes, my Aunt Grace's!) in my dining room. Thanks for a lovely message today. Tom


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