Monday, May 5, 2014

I don't have much to say

"thought I'd call you up anyway"  It's a line from an obscure James Taylor song.  "Daddy's all Gone"  about being on the road and on the phone with his kids.  I love James, even in his worst moments ( Think"someone" from  the "one Man Dog" album, where to my ear he goes horribly out of tune and soldiers on with it anyway.)

I've been busy, too busy to sit and think and collect my thoughts.  Too much on my plate, as usual and I think I need to get SERIOUS about scaling down my commitments.  I always seem to end one and begin another.  I am getting tired of being the person in my volunteer organizations that everyone turns to when something needs doing.  I don't mind DOING if everyone else is DOING as well.  It gets old, seeing only the same people doing the "boots on the ground" work.  isn't that the way it is everywhere though.  A small handful work toward the goal while others sit back and talk about what needs to be done.

Rant over.

I did the "Relay for Life" this weekend.  It was a smallish affair, but we raised over 7,000 for cancer research.  It was fun and maybe next year I will do a bit more.  It might be FUN to camp out and walk at three in the morning.  You never know.

I have been thinking about the Clippers owner, and even though I truly believe he is a scum-weasel whose racist leanings should not win him any prizes, I think he was kind of set up with those recordings.  NOT that I am defending him and he REALLY should have known better, but c'mon!  Did he really think that woman was in love with him?  He looks like the Crypt Keeper.  I doubt they have anything in common but his money.  They are both so not worth the time and ink it takes to print the story.  Dirt and salacious gossip sell newspapers these days.  It's a shame. Yellow journalism is the order of the day.  Newspapers and television news are boiled down to soundbites and a fifth grade reading level.

It's a shame, really.  We are educating our children to pass tests, not to think critically.  We cannot expect them to learn if all they are doing is regurgitating facts to qualify their schools for more funds based on test scores.  I fear for the next generation and what will happen to this country as we experience the "dumbing down" of our people.

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