Saturday, May 24, 2014

Los Angeles, misunderstood.

There are many misconceptions about the city I call my home, the City of the Angels.   I am a rarity, a native Angeleno.  I was born at a hospital on Sunset Bl and raised a Valley Girl (without the snobby uninformed attitude portrayed in the song).  I am proud to BE an Angeleno, prouder still to have worked for the City for almost 38 years.  I love what I do.  I get to see almost immediate results of my work.  I am not saying it doesn't make me crazy sometimes, but it is a worthwhile career.

There are HUGE misconceptions, though, about living in Los Angeles, like:

Everyone is an actor or wants to be in "The Industry"

Funny, I never did.  Oh sure working for the studios is a lucrative job IF you can get it.  It's often feast or famine with those kinds of jobs,   You work REALLY insane hours for a brief period of time, then... nothing.  Sometimes very long stretches of nothing.

Most people who live here work in "normal" jobs you would find in any large city.  I have lived here all my life and I know few people who make their living in "the Industry"

Everyone waiting tables is an actor

Actually, a fair amount of them are students or people who actually choose to work in the food service industry for reasons other than being "discovered"

You can be "discovered"and making millions right away

That only happens IN the movies.  Sorry, most people who are working in "the Industry" have studied and "paid their dues" by putting in the work.  Acting is an art and must be developed.  It's not as easy as it looks.

You always run into George Clooney at the grocery store

It's possible that George may stop into Trader Joe's for some guac, but highly unlikely.  Most "famous" people  probably have staff that do their day-to-day stuff.  Maybe it's just me but I almost never recognize "famous celebrities" anyway.  My father always told me that acting was "just another job"  I take that to heart.

Everyone works out and has a beach-ready body

I should post a picture of me.  I haven't had a "Beach body" since the mid 1980's  I know I need to exercise more, but I am not consumed with going to the gym.  I don't know a lot of people who are, although I DID work with a woman who was ultra thin and overly concerned with not gaining a gram of fat. She would eat ONE Hershey's kiss and moan "Oh I am going to have to do an extra hour on the StairMaster to work off that yummy treat"  She actually SAID "Yummy treat"   She was forever offering me power bars to replace what I had for lunch ( she was especially offended by my pork chops)   She used to wax rhapsodic about the fiber in them.  I used to reply "I would rather eat the box it came in"

It never rains here or There are no seasons in LA

It rains.   A lot.  I live in the foothills.  We get flood warnings and mudslides.  Not too often, but we do get a good amount of rain in January and February.  It also rains in August.  Tourists who come in August are constantly amazed by that.  It is not always sunny here, but the weather is not as extreme  as it is in the rest of the country.  There are no storms that try to kill you ( we have had a tornado or two , but that's rare)  Winter is cold and we get some rain.  Spring is warmer and we get some rain.  Summer is HOT and sunny ( except for  some days in August)  September, aka "Indian Summer"  can be even HOTTER than July.  Autumn, when it comes is brief, crisp, clear and chilly.  As a kid I loved Summer, but as an Adult, I look forward to Autumn.

I love living in Los Angeles.  I can't really imagine living anywhere else.  We have everything nearby; the beach ( although I rarely go there, as I am a pale blue person and I don't body surf anymore), the mountains ( I live on the edge of the forest) and the desert.   We have music and theater and good  food choices ( although not so much up here in S-T)  We have a very diverse population and lively communities. I love that when you call into the City's main information number, the "hold" music is all LA themed.  I heard "Nobody walks in LA" while waiting for the telephone services group the other day.  Only in LA!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I sometimes think about moving somewhere else (Portland? Seattle?) but really, why would I want to leave Los Angeles (OK, Pasadena!) Robyn's right - it does have everything! However, I do have to say6, years ago (the early and mid '80's) when I worked in Beverly Hills, I would bump into STARS in stores and on the street - Natalie Wood - gorgeous! Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward - buying greeting cards at Hallmark! Audrey Hepburn - looking at patterns in a fabric shop! Those days are gone, I think. AND, I do know a few people who are gym-obsessed. Obviously, I am not one of them! They tend to be gay men - I hate to perpetuate the stereotype, but they are. I did used to work with a women like Robyn's colleague - only woman I ever knew who had elective plastic surgery. And ate almost nothing. I think she realized she had nothing else to offer. She DID read - Jackie Collins novels. Otherwise - L.A. I love it! Tom


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