Sunday, July 13, 2014


There's a song by Sonny and Cher- YES Sonny and Cher- called "turn around, in which Cher sings about how fast her daughter is growing up  ( turn around and you're two, turn around and you're four, turn around you're a young girl going out of the door")  I am experiencing that kind of pang these days, as my daughter, my babygirl, prepares to become a mother herself  in September.  It seems like just yesterday, she was a babe in arms herself.

When she first got sick,my mother made baby gifts for both her granddaughters to give to them when they had children of their own.  I gave Kate hers yesterday.  Inside was a soft multicolored knitted baby blanket, along with a note from my mother, telling Kate how much she and my father loved her and asking Kate to share that love and stories of their lives with her children.  I am still crying as I write this.  I wonder what she was thinking, knowing that she would not be there to hold Kate's children, yet sending out a message of hope and love.  My mother's strength amazes me and I am missing her worse these days.

As we wait for  "Little Bob" to make his appearance, I can only hope to be half the woman my mother was.  Her love of family still resonates and I will be sharing silly warm stories with my grandson so he has a sense of who he is in the world.

1 comment:

  1. You are all the woman your mother was and more :) I am thrilled to pieces for all of you.


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