Thursday, July 10, 2014

Not enough coffee, not enough sleep

I got home late from a very long and strenuous Board meeting at the Center last evening.  I came home with more questions than answers and that coupled with a very late bed time is going to make for an interesting day.  We discussed the direction the Center will take in the next few months and the next few years.  The Board is a passionate bunch; each of us has an idea of the Mission and how we will fulfill it.   Mostly, we discussed the fact that in the past, the Center had received numerous grants and now those have dried up and we need to determine how we will continue to grow our programs in lean economic times.   We love where the Center is now and would hate to lose the momentum we have built.

Things that are bugging me:

The term "makerspace" which seems to be a library term for mixed purpose areas in the library.  It just sounds... stupid.  I seem to be easily annoyed these days, but some of the faux "touchy-feely" terms like "sharing" for "Telling" and "re-purpose" instead over recycle or reuse.  Honestly, sometimes I feel like I have fallen into George Orwells' 1984, with all the double-speak I am encountering these days.  I wonder if the generation that is creating this terminology has even READ the classic cautionary tale.  I may have to re-read it.  I know I was surprised when I read Fahrenheit 451 at how much "futuristic" stuff in the book had actually come to pass.

I saw something being offered on the Publisher's Clearing House website that made me go WTF!  It said "show your patriotism every day" and it was a flag themed DOOR MAT!!!!!!   Unclear on the concept of honoring the flag does not even begin to explain it.  Wiping my muddy shoes on the flag????   Now, admittedly, this was just a few stars with red white and blue swirls, not exactly stripes, but the mat does suggest the flag.  Just wrong, in my opinion.

I seem to be forgetting things lately and I worry that I have Alzheimer's- no joke.  My mom had it and I saw here slip away from me bit by bit.  I think I just need a vacation, where I am pampered and brought a flow of tropical drinks.  Sigh.  I think about that, but think I would be uncomfortable with that kind of attention after a day or so.  Maybe I just need to lose myself in a good book!

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