Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday morning

Where do the weekends go?   It seems as we get older, time goes faster.  Isn't it still Sunday?  Nope, it's Monday morning and I am trying to collect my thoughts as I look at yet another super-busy week.  My husband says I need to slow down and I tend to agree with him, but as usual my commitments are all converging this week.

I am already looking forward to Friday.  This makes me think about what my father used to say about wishing your life away.  You look so forward to something that you forget to live in the now.  There is a philosophy  (it MIGHT be from Yoda) that says, there is no past, there is no future, there is only now.  My husband is very good at living in the now.  ME?  I'm a planner.  Always have been.  I plan things out and have an alternate plan in case something goes amiss with the first plan.  While that makes me very good at my job, it sometimes gets in the way of life.  So this week, I will try to relax and breathe and "do what comes next" and try not to worry too much about the future.  I will let the Universe do it's thing.  I will "let go and let God" as the saying goes.   It's hard for me to give up the illusion that I have some sort of control, but when I do, things seem to work out anyway.  I will try to enjoy the small things and work through some of the problems that are causing this week to be a bear.  I am certain that things will work out, I just have no clue how. I am just grateful to have an understanding husband who is a good sounding board for my frustrations who is willing to pitch in to help me "get the job done"

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