Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday morning

Well at least this morning I was not treated to an early morning flood in my bathroom.  I thank heaven  for small favors.  Still, I would give just about anything to be able to crawl back into bed and SLEEP all day.  I have been running too hard and I need some down time.  My sweet husband said we need some "us" time.  It's been a little hectic around here. I plan on doing NOTHING this weekend.  Maybe a bit of housework, some laundry, but I have a book or two to read and I need to knit something FAST for my grandson-to-be.  I am a quick knitter so once I START I should be ok.

I am pissed off about the ruling the Supreme Court handed down regarding birth control.  Funny, that ONLY women's reproductive rights are addressed, not any of the other religious beliefs that might be addressed regarding medical issues.  I see a whole BIG can of worms here, but hey it's ok to try to keep women "in their place" and hide behind "religious freedom"  it's scary and we need to rise up as women and say ENOUGH! 

I was watching Rachel Maddow last night and she pointed out that this Congress has done the least work of ANY Congress in history.  Boehner must be so proud ( sniff)  Is he a member of the "Do Nothing" Party?   The Tea Party wants so badly to undermine Obama that they are RUINING THE COUNTRY.  Cutting off their nose to spite their face.   We need to throw the bums out.  We need to get politically active.  Stand up.  Make them accountable for their actions.  I LOVE how Boehner said he is going to sue Obama.  Just WHO do you think pays for all that legal stuff anyway?  WE DO!  Get to work and in the words of the President "Pass a darn bill!"

As we approach the celebration of the birth of this country, I can't help but wonder what our Founding Fathers ( and MOTHERS, thanks Abigail Adams)  would have think about the current state of this nation.  I am descended from a Revolutionary War soldier, Jacob Myers.  My family history goes all the way back to the group that came over from England with William Penn.  I am still proud to be an American, but wonder what the American people need to do to fix what we have allowed to be broken.

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