Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Being productive

There's an Eagles' song that has been rolling around in my head that begins "Tell me the truth, how does it feel, like you're rolling so fast that you're spinning your wheels"  I feel like that today.  I have yet another busy week on my plate, yet I feel like I am not getting anything done.  I am also thinking of J. Alfred Prufrock "and how should I presume and where should I begin?"  Sometimes when there is so much, we are frozen into inaction by the sheer mass of it.

My constant philosophy has been to "take small bites"  ultimately, isn't that how we get rid of any task, by doing small parts of it and little by little we chip away at the stone.

The thing MOST weighing on my mind is my commitment to McGroarty Arts Center.  The Board, of which I am a member, has been challenged to raise $25,000.  There are ten Board members.  That means I am trying to raise $2,500.  It's not easy.  A lot of my friends HAVE donated, ( thank you) in response to my offer to make cookies, make  dinner and Chris is writing a song for one person ( yes, he IS working on it and we will be looking at it this weekend when we are home to see what we need to do about it)  I am about 1/4 of the way to my goal.  Frankly, McGroarty needs help and I don't know where to go with this.  I suppose I should take my own advice about letting the Universe do it's thing.  I have put it out there, now I need to see what happens.  Still if you are reading this blog and you want to donate something, in exchange for cookies or dinner or a song, let me know.

I am going to try to remember to just put one foot in front of the other today.  Little by little I will get the job done.

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