Sunday, July 27, 2014


Why would anyone WANT to be President of the United States?  The question boggles the mind.  It seems that no matter what he does, Barack Obama can't catch a break.  Case in point, his response to the Malaysian Air tragedy.  He was on the news within 24 hours with a measured response, but that wasn't good enough for some Faux News pundits.  They cited Regan's response to a similar event, conveniently forgetting that he waited almost FOUR DAYS before responding.  Sheesh.

I often wonder why some of our brightest minds would WANT to take on the job.(G.W. Bush notwithstanding , who seemed to view the job  as part of the family business and ran it like the frat-boy son who leaned on his dad's advisers rather than make decisions himself). Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.  Obama is a constitutional lawyer.  In this day and age when social media allows all kinds of things to be distributed in the blink of an eye, it's hard to get people to look with a clear eye at the truth.  Photoshopped pictures of President Obama are the worst.  It's a good thing that legitimate news has pictures of him wearing sandals or there would be a whole RAFT of photo-shopped cloven hooves. 

I think Obama is doing the best job he can, considering members of Congress are acting like Elementary School bullies.  They would all get an "F" on the Report Card entry "Plays Well with others"


  1. I agree. Even with such terrible presidents as Bush jr. I didn't go out of my way to publicly humiliate him. He was after all the president and as much as I disapprove of his leadership skills, he as president deserves my respect.
    Heavy J

  2. SO completely agree, Robyn. And now this impeachment crap. The Republicans have been acting like a bunch of big babies - it's a terrible idea,; well no - we don't actually have any ideas of our own, but if it's his idea, no,no,no,no! AND need I even get into the racist undertones (or overtones?) BAH! Tom


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