Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I took on a challenge

So....  Most of you know I am on the Board at McGroarty Arts Center.  I have been for eight or nine years and I work very hard in support of the Center, even if I am not the greatest at fundraising, I think what I do contributes greatly to the health of the Center.  Unfortunately, we have hit a fiscal snag and the Board has been "challenged" to raise $2,500 each AND to bring one person who may want to either join the Board or provide major support to the Center to an event in August.  If you know me at all, you know I am uncomfortable with this.  I honestly don't know where to begin or how to start.

I will tell you that I got involved with McGroarty Arts Center after I moved up to Tujunga in 2004.  My former Brother-in-Law was and is a teacher at the Center and I had been a nominal "Friend of McGroarty" prior to my coming up here to live.  The thing that appealed to me most was the Mission of providing affordable arts education to our community. In a time when schools are cutting back on exposing our children to the arts, I think it is imperative that we find a way to provide an outlet for creative thought.  Math and Science are all very nice, but we need the arts to give our lives balance.  When you hear about McGroarty, you only seem to hear about the world class ceramics program, but there is so much more.  We have painting and music and dance and drama classes.  We have Tai-Chi classes.  The problem is, if we don't find a way to raise funds, we are not going to be able to provide this.  It's pure economics.

I need to try to come up with some fundraising ideas, to get my portion of the challenge completed.  It is hard for me to ask people for money without something  tangible in return.  We have a tile wall project.  Here's the breakdown for a tile which will be affixed to the  wall that lines the staircase from the lower parking lot:

$300 Community Level
·         5” square tile inscribed with donor name or dedication of donor’s choice
·         Artist-designed and hand-painted

$500 Vision Level
·         7” square tile inscribed with donor name or dedication of donor’s choice
·         Artist-designed and hand-painted
·         Enhanced with relief work or carving

$1000 Legacy Level
·         14” square tile (approx.) inscribed with donor name or dedication of donor’s choice
·         Artist-designed and hand-painted
·         Enhanced with relief work or carving
·         Designed to reflect donor’s wishes—includes one face-to-face meeting with your tile artist
   All donations ARE tax deductible.

I am thinking of hosting a dinner or something like that.  Not sure right now what I will do to raise my portion of the challenge.  If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it!  I need to raise the funds by August 15. 

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