Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cindy Alexander and Polly Baker at Molly Malone's

I am trying to figure out just how long I have been a fan of Cindy's.  It's got to be over ten years, because I remember having a conversation with her about trying to get out by myself, post divorce.  I wasn't dating Chris at the time. So, needless to say, I love her music, if I have been following her for that long.  She is one of my "America finds"; they have amazing openers, more often than not.

Cindy was playing at Molly Malone's in the Fairfax district.   I have a wary relationship with that place, as the ambiance can be hit or miss.  The place was packed and I needed to get a seat for me and for Chris. Recent health challenges for both of us preclude standing for long periods of time.  They were running late, we could hear them sound-checking through the walls, When we got in I plunked Chris down at a table for two near the sound booth.  A woman who had been in line with us told us we wouldn't be able to order food in the showroom, which I thought was crazy.  Let's see, if I order dinner, I will order a drink. No dinner?  I MIGHT get a soda.  Happily, she was wrong and I was able to get the fish and chips ( they were OUT of the corned beef!!!)  It was pretty good AND a Bushmill's to boot.  We chatted with fellow long time fans, Craig and Lynne.  Then it was showtime!

I wanted to like Polly Baker, really I did.  After all she was sweetly introduced by Cindy with warmth.  I just couldn't.  She's young and has a lot to learn, I suppose this is still very early in her career, but here's my advice.   Slow down.  Watch your phrasing, Breathy does not equal sexy if you sing the whole song like you can't catch air.  Write songs about something OTHER than that one guy who dumped you.  I know it works for Taylor Swift, but even SHE is becoming passè. AND after your set, do NOT meet at the back of the room with your posse making SO MUCH NOISE you drown out the act on stage.   I had to use The Glare to get them to shut up  I know the label will shepherd her and she does have some talent.  She just needs guidance.

Cindy's set included a mix of old songs that I love and newish songs, all of which I have heard before. The end of the set included a cover of Tom Petty's American Girl that had a country tinge to it.  It was great!  Cindy played two of my favorite songs, "Heaven knows" and "Idiot Child"  She asked the fan who requested "heaven knows"  what the song meant to her,  The fan shrugged and said she just liked it.  I thought about why I like the song,  I think it's the way the song works from despair to hopefulness; that if you keep the faith, all will be well in the end.  I could be missing the mark on what she meant, but I always think that what you hear is equally important, that the listener is allowed to internalize the meaning and apply it as they will to themselves.  As for "Idiot Child"  I love the power in Cindy's voice when she delivers the line "I just need someone who believes in me"  After all, I am the "idiot child" in my family!  Cindy looked and sounded beautiful as always.  My husband commented that he liked the tank and jeans look as you could really see her getting into the songs.  It was a wonderful set and it was over too soon.  I DID manage to snag a cookie that Cindy made.  Domestic Goddess!  Darn good cookie!

This is my "birthday week" and it was nice to start it out in such a fun way.


  1. So, from now on, Robyn, no vacuuming in heels and pearls a la Donna Reed, just hang out in tanks and jeans all the time! Fashion tips from me AND your husband! It must be true!
    Happy birthday week - I now celebrate the "continuing birthday month." Go for it; you deserve the treats!

  2. Thanks Tom. If I looked as fabulous as Cindy..... Your birthday is in August, right. We will plan a dinner, much like what we did for Pauline, YOU choose the menu!

  3. Your birthday week - I only just found out late yesterday that yesterday (Tuesday, June 23) was the actual day itself! Happy belated birthday - hope it was extra swell!


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