Monday, June 8, 2015

Ireland and the Duggars- some thoughts

Is it ironic that Ireland voted to approve Marriage equality over the same period of time the Duggars nasty little secret has been exposed?   I find it sad.

My father's family came from Ireland.  I am always proud of the connection and happy that my great-grandfather chose to leave there ( under murky circumstances, I might add) and come to America.  I am pleasantly  surprised in some ways that a country whose major problems have been over religion would put aside those differences and do the right thing.  I want to believe MY county will follow suit.  Strange to think that Ireland, not America, is showing the world their compassion.  Our country is overrun by hate groups, posing as Christians.  Who would Jesus hate?  I am going to quote from the Bible   "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  What part of THAT isn't clear, or is up to interpretation?   Jesus doesn't say "Love people only if they agree with you".  He doesn't say HATE someone who is different. Nope.  Just wants us to love one another and in that way we show we are his followers.   It's pretty clear to me.  The "Christians" cite Leviticus but that book is so full of contradictions it isn't even funny. Whoever wrote that book had an overblown sense of authority. Accuse me of "cherry picking" but there are some things in there that just do not apply to our lives today.

I see the Duggars are trying to protect their failing empire by saying the girls forgave Josh for what he did to them. Now, that's as may be, but the disturbing, even criminal, part of this equation is that they did nothing to protect them from future abuse and HID the problem, all the while making grossly inaccurate accusations that equate homosexuality with pedophilia.  If Jim-Bob would "let" her, Michelle should go back to school.  She needs an education.  

Maybe she can learn where babies come from.

1 comment:

  1. Robyn, you are NOT the one cherry picking. It is the haters (sorry, I can think of no better word) who say, about eating shellfish, or wearing mixed fibers, or whatever, "Well that's different." Yes, different, because it is them. It used to amaze me, but, alas, alas, now it is so commonplace, that those adamant Christians always say "Jesus will understand" when it is them......nice to know that they have that DIRECT line into his mind and soul, so they KNOW what he can understand. Me, I figure God can understand EVERYTHING. May not always like it, but He can understand everything!
    The Duggars.....what a sad even pathetic story. Probably a textbook example of what we have been writing about.
    Ireland. YAY! I found out that, besides the Kelly cousins that I knew about, and a couple of whom I had even known, there is the O'Shaughnessey clan. I was thrilled at what happened there. I don't see it, as some wrote, a slap to the fact of the Catholic Church, but rather, an entry into the 21st century. Heck, I can't even get a date, but it's nice to know if I ever DO want to get married, thee are place where I can.
    Speaking of the Bible, let's take a look at Matthew 22:38 and 39. (I cannot believe, I am quoting the Bible in your blog!)
    "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. And the second is like unto it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets."
    Well, I guess, unless, you don't' agree with them.


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