Saturday, June 27, 2015

Politics. Politics, Politics....

Wow.  The Republican Party Clown Car is certainly filling up!   With Jeb Bush and The Donald tossing their caps into the ring, it certainly is a comedian's dream.  The Donald is an idiot, as his speech showed; what the heck does "bigly" mean?  The man needs better writers.  You would think with all that money, he could hire someone to teach him proper English. His comments about Mexicans really showed that money does not buy class or brains.  As far as ol' Jebby, geez, even his MOTHER doesn't think he would do a good job.  Sure, Barbara shot off her mouth then backpedaled that it was because she thought he would inherit his father's and brother's enemies, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Barbara knows that son  #2 makes son  #1 look like Einstein.  It's going to be an interesting year and a half, but traditionally, those who toss their hat in early don't last the entire race and it's just smoke and mirrors for the real candidate to emerge.  Frankly, in viewing the prospects, I don't hold out much hope that the Republican candidate will be a person that I would feel ok with as President.  So far I am not seeing anyone emerge, it just looks like the clowns are running the circus again.  Some of these guys are downright scary with their views on women's health and marriage equality.  Hillary is the Democratic frontrunner, but she faces an uphill battle of misdirection and sleight of hand as the Republicans scream BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI at her.  They neglect to point out how many Embassies were attacked under Bush and how many people were killed in those attacks.  The whole email thing is another can of worms.  I am just looking for someone with integrity, who will lead this Country forward.  Some of the thing I am hearing about the agendas of the candidates scares me.  We need to focus on things like the economy and the environment, foreign policy and terrorism.  We need someone who can lead our country, male or female,of any ethnicity; that doesn't matter.  What we need is someone with brains.  Love him or hate him, no one can deny Barack Obama is a smart man.

You can probably tell that this post has been rambling around my draft folder for a bit.   I will post more on my thoughts on the historic Supreme Court decision later.

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