Thursday, June 18, 2015

Medical stuff

So far, the first round of tests have come back negative, which is positive and I have something to deal with the symptoms, but what I really want is to find the CAUSE and deal with that. More fun tests await me. My doctor asked if I could RUN on a treadmill. AFTER I stopped laughing, I told her no. I thought about that meme that says "If you ever see me running, you'd better run too, because something BAD is chasing me."  I could walk on the treadmill, maybe. I am dealing with weird swelling in my lower legs.  The swelling is sudden and elevating my legs doesn't seem to help.  I am trying to get more exercise, really making an effort to get on the bike every day,  Medicine these days seems to be less about curing the disease and more about medicating it  to a point of tolerability.  When pharmaceutical manufacturing became a big business, the art of curing a disease became less the focus.  If we looked more toward rewarding those who worked toward curing, rather than managing the disease, I wonder how things would change in the medical world.

1 comment:

  1. It's related to that whole let's see how long people can live/who cares how the qusaality of life will be.......................I'd rather go earlier, but enjoy it up to the end!
    Not - oh, what a dear old man - 200 years old - of course,c an't see hear talk poop, etc. but still alive.
    Get on that treadmill, Robyn, but take my advice - don't run in heels!
    Good luck!


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