Saturday, June 13, 2015

"It's ok to start writing, even if you don't have a clear picture of what you are going to write"  Boy truer words were never spoken.  I almost NEVER know exactly what I am going to write when I start on of these blogs.  Right now I am waiting for inspiration or coffee to kick in.

The Kardashian/Jenner Family has  been all over the news.  Aren't their 15 minutes up yet?   WHY are we subjected to these people on a daily basis, as if they matter?  I feel for Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.  Transitioning has got to be a rough path, even in private, but Bruce is doing it in public, surrounded by the crazy train he calls his family.  Oh  sure his ex wives ( except for the last one) have come out in gentle support.  Kim, naturally, made it all about her in offering him makeup tips ( here, Bruce, you take this Spackle knife and....)     I wonder about the world when every single day the news has some tidbit of information regarding that family.  NOW the two Jenner daughters are trying to Trademark their names.  Seriously.  I wonder what type of ego you have to have in order to think that you can win a trademark on a common name.  Good.  Let no child be given their names and those names will die out with them.  Sheesh.  As if they are saving the world or something.  Just WHAT is it they all do anyway?  Other than be poster children for dysfunctionality , I am unclear.

How did it get to be June already?  The year is just flying by.  We were talking about time and how when you are a kid it just seems to drag on, but when you are an adult, we seem to go from January to December at an alarming rate of speed.  It's summer already, well almost but it's freaking HOT already and I still don't want to appear in public in a bathing suit.  Every year, I swear I am going to get myself in shape and every year I fail miserably.  I am working out on the treadmill and the exercise bike, but my knees are swelling ( water retention) and it hurts a bit.  I know more exercise can help with the water retention but it hurts to get moving.  ARGH  it's a vicious cycle.  Baby steps.  I didn't get this out of shape overnight and it's going to take work on my part to get healthy.  I am going to be moving slowly, but MOVING as I walk with my friends tomorrow in the Pride parade.  I need to try to find my sparkly cap....

Going up to the McGroarty Arts Center this evening to help with the catering at the Ceramics show.  It's a WONDERFUL show and I am looking forward to seeing  and BUYING some student art.  I did see a beautiful bowl, but I have nowhere to put it and would be afraid to use it; I am so klutzy I am sure I would break it and then be very sad about it.  I am sure to find some beautiful student art that will be exactly what I need!!  The event is open to the public and goes from 5-9.  I made some BEAUTIFUL chocolate dipped strawberries, so if you want some- COME EARLY!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see columns more frequently. I do click on this every morning!
    AND finally - the Kardashian/Kartrashian/Karcrashian remarks - I have been awaiting! I just assume there is a special circle in hell for them all.
    Bruce - Caitlin - whatever - why do I feel this may al be just another Kris-manufactured publicity ploy? AND - he could be doing so much good for the LGBT community - and financially, too. There is more to being a woman than just saying you are one and dressing up. Maybe I am wrong.
    At least there are more columns to look forward to, right? (See, I added "right," so I wouldn't be ending in a preposition!) HA.
    (only on his first cup of coffee, too)


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