Thursday, March 9, 2017


We had municipal elections this week and for the most part, they are over with two positions being yet undecided.  I am glad it is somewhat over, as I was sick to death of the mailers and the phone calls.  I know who I am going to vote for for the school board, but since I live in a district with a council runoff as well , the fun is just beginning, as both moneyed candidate tries to win my vote.

Here's the deal.  I didn't vote for either of them, even though I knew the person I voted for had what my Dad would have called "a snowball's chance"   ( that's short for "a snowball's chance in Hell" which I think is wildly amusing as I envision a snowball taking it's chances in the Netherworld)  I suppose I need to decide which I am going to vote for.   I'd like to take a moment here to address both candidates:

Please, do not default to name calling or shaming here.  We've had enough schoolyard politics in the last few election cycles, both nationally and locally to last a lifetime.  I am NOT voting for the "lesser of two evils" or as I like to think of it, the lesser of two weasels, but I want the person who will be BEST for my community.  Not best by default, but the person whose vision of the future is clear and direct and inspires me.  Maybe that's too much to ask, but I tell you this, I will probably wind up voting for the one who stays more above board.  Neither candidate for CD7 thrills me.  I am so jaded by the whole process that I am weary of it.  So, Monica and Karo, tell me why YOU should have my vote, not why the other candidate shouldn't.

I am not looking forward to the deluge of mail I will receive.  I will glance at it, make note of the claims, then toss it into the "recycle"bin,   I will try to attend one candidate forum, which are sometimes like going to the circus around here- they really should have peanut vendors, I swear.  Whoever is elected has a tough nut to crack.  Our last Council member devastated the community with disservice then fled for a cushy job as a lobbyist in Sacramento, so if we are skeptical up here in the foothills, you can see the reason.

 May can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving the third paragraph. That phrase about the two weasels is great! Actually, the whole paragraph could be a textbook example of all that is wrong with pretty much all campaigns lately. I do want to hear why I SHOULD vote for you, not why your opponent is terrible. (Republicans, are you reading this, and should have been for the last few decades!) Robyn, perhaps we can get this into a civics textbook?


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